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Old 04-27-2024, 08:55 PM
lschwart lschwart is offline
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I used a passive M1 in a dred in the context of a folk/world music band with hand drums, electric bass, and a second electric guitar for many years, and it was great. Two years ago I switched to an M80, which I play passive through the same preamp/DI unit I used with the M1. I like it better. I think it's what jricc called the "lower-pitched thump." I mostly play rhythm, and it gives me a somewhat bigger, more resonant sound. Your mileage may vary, but I think they are both really good magnetic pickups. A little more sensitive to feedback than some others, but completely manageable if you pay attention to where the monitors are, and if you don't play with the body of the guitar too close to the bass amp!

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