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Old 11-30-2017, 05:18 PM
Earl49 Earl49 is offline
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Kray, a non-cubic or non-rectilinear shape will go farther for good small room acoustics than adding acoustical panels. Think of anything you add later as a Band-Aid to fix an underlying problem that was not avoided. Non-parallel surfaces that avoid integer room dimension ratios (1:1:1 being the worst of all) as much as possible are your best bet. Room shape is the "macro" picture. After that it is a matter of "micro" adjustments as needed using absorptive panels, diffusers, etc.

(For those of you who may be puzzled by the sidebar, Kray and I have briefly communicated off-line about his studio space. My day job is as an acoustical engineer, and I have designed many studios and other buildings over the last 34 years).
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