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Old 10-11-2015, 11:43 AM
mstuartev mstuartev is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 1,340

Weissenborn is wonderful! Who is the builder?

I started playing with an eye toward my arthritis life phase: easier to hold a bar vs. fretting.
Went thru a few makes in the last year. Settled on two Pogrebas (see signature).
I love these things so much that all my finger tip callouses have vanished. I hardly ever play my Everett 6-string.
Indulge in tone bar experimentation! I tried Shubb SP2, Beard Wave 2010, Paloma blue stone, E.G. Smith. The Smith and Beard are my faves. I also prefer Perfect Touch finger picks.
Work on hammer on/hammer off, muting tech behind the slide, intonation and vibrato as needed. Some simple minor forms are to be had (e.g. Covering the 3 low strings at the 9th). Mary Flowers, Kelly Jo Phelps and Steve Dawson have good lap style lessons on Homespun tapes (avail as download).

Have some fun! Although there is a lot of very lush and pretty Weiss stuff (like the vid you linked), I prefer to play bluesy, rhythmic, even minorish Arabic sounding stuff. Sky's the limit.
Pogreba Baritone Weissenheimer 'Weissenborn style" (awesome!)
Lazy River mahogany weissenborn style
Lazy River short scale weissenborn
Mainland Tenor Uke

Last edited by mstuartev; 10-11-2015 at 12:04 PM.
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