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Old 03-21-2024, 03:19 AM
Silly Moustache Silly Moustache is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: The Isle of Albion
Posts: 22,304

No12 strings for me for a long time. I saw friends with Eko Rangers in the '70s I guess, but never really interested.

from '73 to '83 it was all about working my way up the Martin dread, Mandolin and Dobro pole for bluegrass.

I remember buying and selling Yamaha 12s in the early '70s after I'd moved into this house - I'd play then until the necks bend then sell on and buy another.
At some point when working as a duo with a bass player, I fell in love with a Lakewood 12string - 000 size, and bought a Lakewood six to match it. Then as the duo became a trio (Panhandle Conspiracy) I "upgraded" to Martin J12-40 and J-40 -big mistake, didn't suit me at all.

I think I went through two or three Martin D12-35s then to a Del 'arte Leadbelly 12 string, which didn't really work. (2002 -2014) and replaced it in 2011 with the Martin D12-35 custom I have now.

I bought a rebuilt Harmony D12-20 in 2017 which I restrung recently.

Once past my bluegrass periods, I preferred to do full gig with a 6, a 12, and sometimes with a National.

I have a small repertoire for 12 strings which I'd use every 3-4 songs in a full gig.
Silly Moustache,
Just an old Limey acoustic guitarist, Dobrolist, mandolier and singer.
I'm here to try to help and advise and I offer one to one lessons/meetings/mentoring via Zoom!
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