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Old 09-21-2015, 08:56 AM
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fazool fazool is offline
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You need a significant corona (electrical discharge arc) to create enough ozone to be meaningful. Small, compact units are gimmicks and cannot work.

As for the fear-mogering paper- I read that prevoiously as well and it is just a scare piece from someone who is completely ignorant of the topic.

O3 at ground level will float to the upper atmosphere with the ozone layer. Smog is not O3. O3 grabs onto pollutant particles from exhaust and combustion and dust. This is what makes smog.

Of course you have to use it in dangerous concentrations, you are basically rinsing everything with O3, then it dissipates on its own. Never ever use it with people or pets in the room. Just like you wouldnt bathe in bleach but you wash your clothes in it. Just like you wouldn't drink isoproyl alcohol but you rinse your medical tools in it. Of course its used in dangerously high levels, then you use it after the effects go away.

And, the piece warning about them is intending to (properly) dissuade people from using them in an occupied home.

I have no vested interest in Ozone Generators. I have experience and some basic knowledge of them and am simply sharing some info that could be helpful.
Fazool "The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter"

Taylor GC7, GA3-12, SB2-C, SB2-Cp...... Ibanez AVC-11MHx , AC-240
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