Thread: Guitar War
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Old 01-22-2001, 05:09 PM
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J.R. Rogers J.R. Rogers is offline
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Originally posted by JW:
Unlike the board this came from everybody here seems to be civil and agrees that Taylor isnt the only well made guitar but it seems to be a favorite among most. But to dictate what you should or should not say is up to the person making the statement. As long it is not offensive or vulgar I say let them speak. When I cant hear an honest opinion wheather good or bad I am at the wrong place. There are many very nice mellow people on this board and the common denominator is Taylor guitars. To encorage people not to speak their mind about a paticular subject concerning guitars is like saying You can talk but only use my words. Its very civil to me. I like em all. JW
Some people feel the need to come into a forum dedicated to a certain guitar, and start flamethrowing, because it's not their choice of guitar, or they have animosity towards the company for one reason or another. People who do this do not belong in the Taylor Forum and will be dealt with accordingly. That's something for the other boards if they choose to tolerate it. There are people who genuinely love the fight, and feed on it. If they are here, they are in the wrong place.

JW, unfortunately it's the nature of people who share a certain opinion about a particular brand of product to react strongly when someone who obviously doesn't share that same opinion, openly voices their dislike using strong language. When someone makes a strong assertion that 99% of the public doesn't agree with, they're going to catch some flack. For this reason, discussions that turn ugly are simply not tolerated here and will be removed.

Rule #1 of the Taylor Forum has always been "play nice". I'm not saying that everyone has to agree 100% of the time. What kind of a boring place would this be if that were the case? I'm saying that you should always bear the utmost respect and civility towards your fellow forum members. Understand that they may not feel the same way that you do, and word your posts accordingly.

Further, I've stated many times before that this is a place for people who like Taylor guitars. If people don't fall into that category, there's just no point in them being here. I don't personally care for Takamine guitars - and I don't participate in their forums (if they have any). There's just no point. My walking into a Takamine forum and expressing my dislike for the guitars, and my love for Taylor guitars, will unleash a flood of animosity. What point would that serve? What good would that do?

I hope that I've expressed myself and my views as moderator of this forum, as plainly as possible. I recognize that not everyone may agree with me. That's OK. But at the Taylor Forum, anger, hate, and animosity are conspicuously absent, and I'm bent on keeping it that way. I'd like this to be a peaceful friendly place that people will enjoy coming to, everyday.

J.R. Rogers
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