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Old 12-26-2016, 11:35 AM
jpbat jpbat is offline
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Lots of nice infos in that thread.

I'll add that when I was an apprentice in violin making at Mirecourt in the 70's, a common joke about Strad violins was that there was more glue than wood in them. Meaning that, along the centuries, they had been broken and repaired numerous times.

Stradivarius was a hard worker, had a big family to feed, lot of helpers during his career, so his production was greater than what his contemporaries produced in Cremona at the time. It is also said that, among the 400 or so known Stradivarius violins in use today, probably 200 are fake. Real fake or made by his descendance who worked with him, this is unsure.

Now the Strad 1721 model has been a solid reference in violin making during 2 centuries.
In any case, Stradivarius is a strong brand.
Jean-Paul Bataille
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