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Old 03-28-2024, 08:30 AM's Avatar is offline
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Join Date: May 2019
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I'm not familiar with the Apollo stuff and its console, but my experience with a few different interfaces and their add-on software is that, outside of routing that has to be manipulated using the interface manufacturer's software, or using firmware loadable/tweakable FX plugins for live streaming, or (rarely in home recording scenarios IMO) FX needed for the talent to be comfortable with the monitor feedback, keep that stuff out of the path. Work on gain settings and mic placement, and particularly with acoustic guitars, your recording space, to get a good take. If you want to augment with your pickup recorded directly, sure, but it's going to be difficult to monitor that if you're playing an acoustic instrument, even with closed back headphones. If you have to record just the direct sound, you might consider getting some in-ear monitoring earbuds, like some of the higher-end Shure's, and google at thing called "seal test" to confirm you're effectively only getting the monitor feed in your ears. (edit: of course, feel free to add FX in the mix!)

A bit late to this, but I did start with GarageBand, well, probably Audacity, but that was short-lived. GarageBand is built [these days] on the Logic core, and you can get to everything to at least turn it off, and have somewhat more limited control over settings, but it takes a bit of digging. Automation is limited, and routing, well, fuggedaboutit, at my last peek. I've been using Logic for a long time, though not as long as some others, and have not really spent serious time on anything else, but it's more than adequate for any home recorder, but, of course, that's true of any of the major platforms. Pick one, and learn a workflow for your needs. Good luck.
"I know in the morning that it's gonna be good, when I stick out my elbows and they don't bump wood." - Bill Kirchen

Last edited by; 03-28-2024 at 08:35 AM.
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