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Old 05-03-2024, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by kmckenna45 View Post
I've struggled with using a thumbtack for finger style guitar for years. All the better players use them and recommend them - but I can never find one that's comfortable, and will stay on without moving.

What tips and tricks do you know about how to select a proper thumb pick, and maybe make it more comfortable?

I've found the Zooskie L-10 to be closest to useful for me. But it's too thick for strumming.

Also - the Herco thumbpick is the standard for having a thumbtack that can be used for strumming and/or picking. But - I haven't been able to find one that has flexibility for strumming while staying in play while finger picking.

Any recommendations?
When I started playing banjo, in January, I was having trouble finding a thumb pick and finger picks that felt comfortable. A fellow I play with regularly finger picks guitar so I asked the same question. He gave me a Dunlop thumb pick and told me just to play it til it worked. I did that and it feels natural to me now. I did take it home when I first got it and held it in front of a space heater to loosen it up a bit because it was too tight. Sometimes it just takes a while.
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Last edited by rllink; 05-03-2024 at 07:38 AM.
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