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Old 04-28-2024, 07:25 PM
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Pickcity Pickcity is offline
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I believe a new direction is good for any well known maker IF the product is high quality, and IF it remains a feasible choice for prospective buyers, price wise.

$4k? They will sell some, sure, to the most loyal, but of all the $4k guitars out there, why this one? I don’t see the appeal, but that’s just me.

Martin QC issues are nothing new. I turned off from them more than a decade ago because of friends who had major problems with newer guitars. This happened to several, yes several friends and acquaintances over the past 15 or so years. Binding was the major issue. Surprise…But not the only issue.

Martin could solve their issues with a few tweaks, but first, they must admit (to themselves) they have some issues that need tweaking.

I have played Martins that were truly great guitars. I have come extremely close to purchasing newer Martins as well as vintage. I just see them as high maintenance tools, and I don’t want my tools to be high maintenance. I can have high quality tools that require very little maintenance. Never mind the name on the headstock.

Domestic, sustainable wood sources have been proven to be a winner by both Gibson and Taylor for years. They are widely accepted. No reason Martin can’t join the party.
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