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Old 04-28-2024, 01:12 PM
Joseph Hanna Joseph Hanna is offline
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Originally Posted by Proclaimer888 View Post
I will tell you this. I own a Yamaha LL36 and besides the top-notch quality of the build, the sound is absolutely something to "write home about". I would love to see a few sound comparisons between the high-end Yamaha and some of the boutique guitars.
I also own an LL36. For me, the very best acoustic guitar I ever laid hands on. This is a comment well past the honeymoon period and not on any level of hyperbole. Easily outpaced my now-gone D-41 on virtually every comparison possible. Better fit and finish, by about 100 miles, with better sonics (although to be fair the D-41 can low-end boom with the best of them.

The feel of the L-series and FG9 series is so very difficult to articulate in words. There is a lingering palpable, wonderful spirit about it which I attribute to the luthier and the passion and love he/she must have poured into the build process The dynamics I think fool folks. It's not a one-trick sonic pony. Play super light touched and it'll respond and in spades, hit it reasonably hard, and the sonics change to the adjustment. Sometimes rather than play I still occasionally just pick the thing up and hold it.

I know calling it a "work of art" can be off-putting for some, myself included, but until you put an LL series or the FG9 series into your lap I dunno how else to articulate, especially for those familiar with higher-end acoustic guitars. It still pains me to the core when I see comments about how it fits in price-wise. The statement "pretty good for the money" means a singular observation: that is the poster hasn't yet played the instrument.

The LL36 is a ten thousand dollar guitar all wrapped up for thirty-five hundred bucks, and the FG9 series is equally lopsided as to the price structure, kinda easy to see why things get confusing.

Truly an enigma.
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