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Old 04-27-2024, 09:26 AM
Glennwillow Glennwillow is offline
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Originally Posted by Dirk Hofman View Post
I'm with you, I'm in no hurry and focused on learning right now over gear. But gear is fun, and Les Paul's are are associated for me with so much music I grew up loving, and I dig the look. I'm shallow about such things, and I don't know enough about electric guitars to make a move into some ultra high-end guitar. I'll just still want a Les Paul if I don't get one.

This is what I grew up on. And look, it's a Goldtop Les Paul to kick things off...

This guy absolutely rips BTW.

Well, that is some very cool playing. However, if a person could ever get to that level of playing, it would take years of crazy dedication. And yes, the gold top Les Paul looks very cool. I have learned to appreciate that look after a lot of years.

On a lower level, you might be interested in checking out my latest video in Show & Tell on this forum. I am using a heritage cherry burst Les Paul for the Mark Knopfler solos on this song, and even to me, they sound pretty cool. And they are a lot more accessible than what I witnessed in that video you posted.

You might also be interested to know that I am not even using a real amp to get the Mark Knopfler tones. I am using Guitar Rig 7 in my computer. Cost for Guitar Rig 7 is only $200 and gives you access to a huge array of simulated amps and effects and it sounds really good, at least to my ears.

There are a lot of ways a person could enjoy a Les Paul.

- Glenn
My You Tube Channel
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