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Old 04-27-2024, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Sponserv View Post
I was a very late entrant into the learn to play guitar world. Started at 56 and am now about 10 years into my journey. I would consider myself somewhere between a beginner and "knocking on the door" of being an intermediate player. Admittedly life gets in the way or my progress would be much better.

I have a 16 year old son who took a rock history course and is absolutely more dialed in to the bands of my era than I ever will be. He talks about chord progressions, riffs, basic theory and other stuff like he has been playing for years.

However, he will not even think about touching any of my guitars. I have been trying to convince him that the younger he starts the better musician he will be.

He has this mental block that if he can't be David Gilmour in two weeks then he will not bother even trying. Its is very frustrating for me.

I stink at guitar but for me it is very cathartic and relaxing. When I am playing I only focus on my playing and not anything else that would be bothering me.

Is there anyone else out there dealing with this? I tell him that professional musicians are just that...professionals. We all can't play like Clapton. Or throw footballs like Brady. Or hit golf balls like Tiger. But that doesn't stop most people from playing golf anyway.

I just don't get it.
I was thinking about this last night and I have to wonder if the son took the course just so that he had something he could relate to with his dad. So that he could have a better understanding of what his dad is so passionate about. He wants to show his dad that he is interested in him, not necessarily in guitars. He is making an effort to connect with his dad, that should be enough in itself. But now dad wants more and the son doesn't want to go there. Maybe dad should back off and enjoy the fact that his son wants to talk to him at all.
Please don't take me too seriously, I don't.

Taylor GS Mini Mahogany.
Guild D-20
Gretsch Streamliner
Morgan Monroe MNB-1w

Last edited by rllink; 04-27-2024 at 11:45 AM.
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