Thread: Sexauer '24
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Old 04-23-2024, 05:49 PM
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Bruce Sexauer Bruce Sexauer is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Petaluma, CA, USA
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Troy (my assumption)
I use a 50' dish for my top, and build off of that. All of my top brace ar curved to match the dish EXCEPT for the UTB, which I approximate double the radius on. I do this by eye. I do this to stiffen the upper bout as I want it to resist resonance. I do not understand where your gap occurred. Between what and what? Is the center of the FB making contact but not the sides? When I glue on my FB it is w/o a playing surface, and I can clamp it on the edges which may distort it but it doesn't matter at that point. I have never noticed a problem. I do think your top radius works better for a modern guitar than for a traditional guitar.
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