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Old 04-23-2024, 04:05 PM
TheGITM TheGITM is offline
Curiouser and curiouser
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 1,405
Default A Guitar Center story...

I peruse guitar listings around my area fairly regularly... always keeping my eye out for something new or unusual... or just too good to not look into...

Well, this morning I was in the office and hit up the GC website for the location about 20 mins away. What do I see? A used Martin D28 herringbone for $2999.99 - but I noticed it had labels inside (which you don't normally see). I thought I should go check it out...

Got there and the guitar was on display along with another dozen or so featured used guitars... of course, everything is marked 'On Sale'... I pick it up and inspect it. It's in great condition. I check out the labels... yes, there were two labels... The first one on the left was a Martin Custom Shop label with the serial number (from 1995) and the name of who it was made for... and the label on the right was a Martin label stating that the guitar was made specifically for Famous Old Time Music Company and was #29 of 40. So, this was a custom ordered guitar...

I Googled and found a website for Famous Old Time Music Company outside of Cincinnati, OH... and there was a name and phone number... so I called.

I spoke with the owner, Vernon, who opened his store back in 1972. Prior to the internet, he had a massive store/showroom, much like the GCs of today... and he sold a lot of guitars. After the internet boom he downsized to the building he currently occupies. He's 78 now, but he remembered the order for 40 custom D28 herringbone guitars...and he asked which number it was... I told him, and I told him who the label said it was made for... and he said "Oh yeah, I remember him! He owned a gun shop and he and I did a few trades back then." He told me the guy had passed away some years back. He asked what the asking price was, and when I told him he laughed and said he'd buy it and ask double. He said he'd list it for $6k and probably sell it for $5k. He was quite a character. Big Bluegrass guy, still playing with a local band and everything.

Well, I'm standing outside the guitar room and another fella walked in and picked up the Martin and took it to one of the private rooms. I could tell he was serious. I ask the guy on the floor (who I had talked to previously) about the guitar and he didn't know anything about it (the history, that is) but he said the guy that was playing it had come in with a new Larivee OM45 to trade... so yeah, he was serious. The guy was in the room for probably half and hour and I had to leave to get to a meeting.

I just called the GC guy and asked about it... and yeah, the guy bought the guitar. So, there you go.

It's probably for the best. I didn't really need the guitar, but it sure was a beauty... and I got to hear a bit about it's history and talk to an old time bluegrass player. So all in all, not a bad way to spend an hour of my day...
Be curious, not judgmental.
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