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Old 04-23-2024, 09:30 AM
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fazool fazool is offline
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Originally Posted by imwjl View Post
.... we've seen cheap stuff have battery overheat and fire at worst, and a lot of time wasted for little satisfaction. If you have a removable - designed to be - buying a good a replacement is safest bet....


I have done a lot of rechargeable battery replacements for home devices, from direct plugin replacements to hardwired replacements. I also had the opportunity to work on a critically important rechargeable battery product "fix" for work and met with the world's leading battery expert. Literally. The most co-patented woman in the world, I learned a lot.

There is a few really important considerations on how poor quality can/will lead to internal shorts which create overheating, discharge and possibly fires.

Also, the batteries have specific charging circuits which monitor levels, trickle charging current and voltage limits. They have checks in place for over current, over voltage, temperature, etc. These protection circuits are either coupled with the battery or separate and upstream in the charging circuit.

To be truly compatible it has to be identical.

So in addition to battery cell quality the actual internal protection circuit has to be the same.

Never buy a cheap rechargeable battery. At best-case you will have a short lived battery. The worts-case is much worse.
Fazool "The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter"

Taylor GC7, GA3-12, SB2-C, SB2-Cp...... Ibanez AVC-11MHx , AC-240
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