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Old 04-17-2024, 11:11 AM
ZackPomerleau ZackPomerleau is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 268

You make a good point. I actually have a few scenarios I play a couple times a month there is no power option. So that right there is a big one. The 8 does okay with it. I pretty much run max volume but it works just fine. Then there’s a few other scenarios that there’s power but we have to run 100 feet of power cord. That is highly annoying. Those ones the Everse is just fine. The rest I can use power and often don’t just because of convenience of leaving super fast haha. Overall i am still considering buying the 12 to see if maybe I was deceived by how it sounded inside but because it wasn’t so obviously louder I feel like it wouldn’t do me much better. There are times I obviously need to use my evolve 50 and that’s fine!!!
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