Thread: Mixing routine
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Old 04-17-2024, 08:58 AM
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KevWind KevWind is offline
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Location: Edge of Wilderness Wyoming
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Yes but mixing for myself only,, it is not all that complex. I mostly do Acoustic guitar/s and vocals But sometimes introduce Electric gtr, lead and or VI instruments and or VI drums

It starts with one of my user defined templates (the number of which I have reduced quite a bit down to basically) 4 templates all 24 bit 48k
#1 Acoustic guitar and vocals
#2 Acoustic guitar , vocals, and virtual instruments
#3 Acoustic guitar , vocals and virtual drums
#4 Acoustic guitar , vocals , virtual instruments and virtual drums

All templates also have a parallel reverb Aux track (often bypassed) a parallel tape echo.delay Aux track (bypassed) and a main 2 Bus (or Mix Bus) Aux track with my Hardware compressor inserted on it (bypassed) , and a Master Fader track with my Massey 2007 limiter on it (bypassed)

Then the templates also have a highpass filter on each audio track usually engaged and then an EQ (bypassed) on the associated Routing Folders tracks and recently the vocal tracks also have the UAD LA2A compressor plugin (bypassed) on them

Then mix routine is make any major fader moves to get a rough balance volume wise--- then more surgical clip gain moves to dial in closer

Then I will often set a preliminary for Mix bus compressor and perhaps revisit clip gain or not
Then think about any more specific EQ moves (create space etc.)
Then any specific track compression moves (if any)
Then the final move is to engage the 2007 limiter and then if I am going to upload to Youtube (which is almost always) I use Nugen MasterCheck to get LUFS

Here is a screen shot of my basic #4 template now most of the folder tracks are collapsed and it is ready to record the Acoustic rhythm guitar and the lead vocal, parts
Enjoy the Journey.... Kev...

KevWind at Soundcloud

KevWind at YouYube

System :
Studio system Avid Carbon interface , PT Ultimate 2023.12 -Mid 2020 iMac 27" 3.8GHz 8-core i7 10th Gen ,, Ventura 13.2.1

Mobile MBP M1 Pro , PT Ultimate 2024.3 Sonoma 14.4

Last edited by KevWind; 04-17-2024 at 10:26 AM.
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