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Old 04-12-2024, 03:08 PM
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raysachs raysachs is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Eugene, OR & Wilmington, NC
Posts: 4,863

Yeah, just playing a lot will make a lot of things easier. There are songs I couldn't even begin to get a feel for that I'd sleep on for a year or two and come back to it and suddenly, THERE IT WAS! The chords weren't generally all that tough, but if they were my facility had improved, but it was usually the timing and the feel that I just couldn't get and suddenly I could. But the biggest limitation I've always felt has been singing, and the same thing happens there. Some stuff I couldn't even THINK about singing, I'd come back to it a year or two after leaving it alone and I'd suddenly be able to pull it off. I'll never be a particularly good singer, but I've gotten better enough to really enjoy it and stretch the kind of material I'm comfortable trying to sing. I've never made a concerted effort to "practice' or get better at one thing or another, but just playing a lot has it rewards and I really enjoy when something suddenly works that never had before.

"It's just honest human stuff that hadn't been near a dang metronome in its life" - Benmont Tench
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