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Old 04-06-2024, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by JackC1 View Post
I'm trying to play some electric guitar songs on the acoustic. There's some whole tone bends going on on the G string at around the 9th/10th fret.

I'd like to play on the acoustic for situations when I have just the acoustic guitar with me.

I currently have medium strings on the D-18 and can't bend it.

Would it be possible if I switched to light or super light strings?
Hi JackC1
Niko nailed it when he mentioned suggested a plain (non-wound) third. People seem to have forgotten that normally the 3rd string (G) on an acoustic guitar is a wound string whereas on electric it's normally a plain string (which is hard enough to bend full steps). This is the most common config.

I recommend you to change it out on said guitar for a plain string.

A full step bend may not be easily possible if you must first play the note and then bend (as opposed to plant/bend in one move).

Also, full step bends sometimes require us to use two fingers planted together to accomplish full step bends.


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