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Old 04-04-2024, 05:39 AM
howard lee howard lee is offline
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Originally Posted by JGinNJ View Post
I have a stablemate, it has a 3 piece back like a D35. One of the things about it that first impressed me was that deep, resonant bass sound.
I do think they're undervalued, too. I recently shopped mine around, I love archtops but this one is a bit too big for comfort because it's deep as well.
Nice! I have seen photos of others with three-piece backs, some with stunning birds-eye maple. They do exude more bass than a traditional archtop, with a surprising amount of sustain.

I am only 5' 8" tall, yet this guitar doesn't feel too big for me. The waist, tighter than a dreadnought's, sits comfortably on my knee and it is easy to play standing with a shoulder strap.

There was an ad for one the other day, onlineĀ—with some small differences from mine, which declared John had built only 13.

"Only a dozen or so of these remarkable instruments ever left the bench during their brief production run, making them one of the rarest of contemporary luthier built acoustic models."

This contradicts what he wrote to me himself, that he had built 29 0r 30 but didn't keep meticulous records. I don't have that email anymore but remember distinctly that he wrote 29 or 30 had been built. Perhaps a new email to John can sort this out; now I am curious.

If you do manage to find a buyer for your guitar, I hope you can find a smaller, suitable replacement that will be sonically pleasing.
"Everything I've ever done was out of fear of being mediocre." ~ Chet Atkins
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