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Old 04-03-2024, 01:25 PM
doodahdoug doodahdoug is offline
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Default Michel Aboudib Italian Spruce - Bois de Rose Mod-D

Bill, Diogo, Paul, Sam, Gaultier and Jim thank you for your generous comments.

Specifications for this Modified Dreadnought can be found in Post #1.

Studio Pictures can be found in Post #80, Demo Video in Post #82.

New Guitar Day (Unboxing Pictures) are in Post #102

Alfresco Pictures, see Posts #114 and #121

I realize that an attempt to provide a complete and objective review of the guitar at this early stage of ownership may be premature. For now, I'll briefly say that this is the most elegant guitar that I own. It's bold and balanced voice is a joy to hear each time I play. The Somogyi inspired Celtic Key carved rosette and end graft that Michel designed and executed is simply stunning to see and touch. The guitar's fit and finish are excellent. The Italian Spruce top is resonant and clear and the beautifully landscaped Bois de Rose back and sides provide a balance of warmth and overtones that are very pleasing to my ears.

Comparing the Aboudib Mod-D with my Aboudib MA-D:

The Mod-D is a large guitar, 5" deep and nearly 16" wide in the lower bout, vs. 4.76" deep and 15.55" lower bout width for the MA-D, Michel's signature dreadnought body shape. The Mod D waist is also over an inch wider than the MA-D.

When switching between the two body shapes, I find the MA-D to be more comfortable with it's scooped and asymmetrical waist which just seems to fall naturally into my seated playing position. It takes me only a moment, though, to get accustomed to the larger Mod-D and I am rewarded with a bigger and warmer sound in the lower registers and more volume. I hear a bit more fundamental in the sound of the (Euro-spruce - Ebony) MA-D along with some nice overtones and sustain. The MA-D is a little over 2 years old, has been played a lot and has opened up nicely. I expect my 1 week old Mod-D's voice will bloom and fully open up over time as I play it and I am looking forward to experiencing that evolution in sound.

Below are pictures of my Aboudib Mod-D alongside my Aboudib MA-D to visually provide you with a relative size comparison:

My thanks to Michel Aboudib for his talents and friendship throughout these two commissions since we met at B.I.G. in 2021 (Thanks Tom and Kathy!).

A shout out to Michel's apprentice Mathis who also labored over this build.

A special thanks to Virgile Pilone of Blind Guitars who applied the exquisite nitrocellulose lacquer finish to non-carved areas of the guitar.

Thank you to the gifted Antoine Aubry for your outstanding demo video composition and performance as well as the studio photography and demo video production for this guitar.

Finally, thanks again to luthier Brian Itzkin and my friend Vasu ("Vpolinei" on AGF) for letting Michel Aboudib know in a timely manner about the sourcing for the Bois de Rose set of tone wood used in this build.

All of these people, events and components came together to create what I consider to be my "Holy Grail" guitar. Thanks for following the journey with me.

Last edited by doodahdoug; 04-04-2024 at 05:38 AM. Reason: clarity
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