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Old 04-01-2024, 06:42 AM
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TomB'sox TomB'sox is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: The Lone Star State
Posts: 13,735

It seems like you already know you want the Taylor if for no other reason, the name. I think if you got the Yamaha, you might always think the Taylor would have been better.

In terms of needing to take the Yamaha back for continued tweaking, the answer there is no, once it is set-up the way you like it, it will stay there for a long time and maybe forever. It could be a very simple tweak like a truss rod adjustment which would take seconds to do.

In terms of the matte finish, some people think as they have posted, that it allows for better sound. I am not here to tell you they are wrong, but will say, I do not believe that to be the case and it is certainly not accepted as a hard truth. Like a matte car paint, I do not believe that finish holds up as well, in fact, I think it is impossible for it to do so.

Yamaha builds a great guitar and are very well respected in the guitar world, I would say as much as Taylor is.

All that being said, take the one you like the sound of, neck feel of, and name of, but consider the action is easily adjusted and the finish is something to consider.
PS. I love guitars!
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