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Old 02-25-2024, 12:59 PM
jseth jseth is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Oregon... "Heart of the Valley"...
Posts: 10,888

I have three really wonderful guitars... a 6 string, a 12 string (both hand-made) and an older Gibson electric guitar. At nearly 73 years, I don't play nearly as much as I have in years past - I mean, I play everyday, pretty much, but it's been a long time since i had a 6 or 8 hour playing day!

I swear that my guitars "sulk" when they don't get played! They can get sort of "pissy" about being neglected... I often have conversations with them about how great they are and that I know I've been neglecting them, but I have NOT forgotten them!

My 12 string, in particular, seems to hold a grudge longer than the other two! But, they all come around fairly quickly after a few minutes of serious play time...
"Home is where I hang my hat,
but home is so much more than that.
Home is where the ones
and the things I hold dear
are near...
And I always find my way back home."

"Home" (working title) J.S, Sherman
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