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Old 01-10-2024, 01:46 PM
rmp rmp is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2014
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More than FISHY at the moment

A good friend of mine got slammed with scam that played out a lot like what you are saying. And the guy in question had that add up for months after it was supposedly "sold"

the guitars never existed. This joker found some old photos on Ebay or reverb and used those to post up the reverb adds.

The mistake my buddy made was when he agreed to use "Friends and Family" to "Avoid the fees" as was suggested by the seller.

He had multiple conversations with this guy, the guy seemed totally legit, he felt he was getting a "Smokin deal" (I told him if the deal was too good to be true too... "Dude Be careful"

but he said he thought he was ok, until he realized he wasn't.

He called me a 2 weeks later "I really should have listened to you"

He was out about 600 bucks. Once it posted to his credit card, that's all she wrote.

Reverb told him the "Friends and Family" transaction how these guys get around Reverb coming after them.

Good luck and these scammers really take a lot of ones faith out of human kind, but do give it time to play out.

Unleash the hounds if he's played you.

Gibson SJ200
Taylor Grand Symphony
Taylor 514CE-NY
Taylor 814CE Deluxe V-Class
Guild F1512
Alvarez DY74 Snowflake ('78)