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Old 01-09-2024, 07:05 AM
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dnf777 dnf777 is offline
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I read your comment on the H1 thread, and agree with your thoughts about the 32bit recording. Like I said earlier, I think there are some mental hurdles more than actual audio/electronic hurdles that users have to get over. You're right (I think), its not just auto-gain setting. Its a much larger palette to paint upon with MUCH more data available to use in capturing audio. So the "no clipping" at any SPF is NOT akin to just turning down the gain knob on a traditional preamp. Understanding that, I believe is key.

Having said that, I *think* I understand the high SPF handling aspect, but what has me confused is the recording of lower SPF audio, such as more distant single-mic application where you would normally turn up the gain. I also understand *I think*, the dual processors that are chosen by the brain chip, depending on incoming audio strength and capture.

For single mic applications, I'm just going to go with what minimal knowledge I have, and play around and try to figure out a practical understanding. Fun little gadget though, for under 2 bills. Cant say that very often nowadays!
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