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Old 01-07-2024, 07:29 AM
Sarah1F Sarah1F is offline
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Originally Posted by Captain Jim View Post
RainSong came out with their parlor guitar about 12 minutes after I bought a Limited Edition Shorty. I was looking for a "boat guitar" at the time, something to replace the Taylor GSmini I had been playing since it came out. I was surprised when I played a RS Parlor that it sounded as good as the Shorty, perhaps a bit less chime, and was more comfortable.

This has all been years ago, but it stuck with me. These days, if looking to keep things small, I'd suggest a previous generation Emerald X7 as another alternative... but, the RS Parlor is also a nice guitar. (If you can be comfortable with the N2/NS neck.)
I needed this guitar like I needed another hole in my head, Captain Jim!
I already have a GSmini e-koa (as well as quite a few other guitars), but I loved the look of this guitar since I first saw it, I love RainSong (may they RIP!!), and I love the fact that it’s both carbon fiber and small. If I like it, I may end up selling the GS mini. I want to worry less about humidity, etc.
I also need to steer myself away from guitars that take up half of my body size. I’m rather tiny. Lol.
I am keeping my fingers crossed as I have never bought a guitar that I haven’t seen or played in person!
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