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Old 09-24-2023, 07:27 AM
ShawnE ShawnE is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2023
Posts: 31

This is after 7 weeks of learning. For the second week in a row I put the main focus on the Am, Dm & Em (I wasn't comfortable enough with them last week to move onto new stuff) so now we have a little run through of the 5 songs I've been practicing once a day to start getting to grips with them.

Took me a little while to warm up so there's plenty of mistakes in the first 3 songs in particular but pretty happy with my run through of the last two songs - overall I'm pleased enough after just 7 weeks.

Still doing all of my other regular practice of course, playing through these songs is just what I do at the end of my more technical exercises etc.

This coming week I look at the C chord for the first time.
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