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Old 08-29-2018, 01:17 AM
Duh Duh is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 91

Thank each and everyone of you. Everyone had some bit of advice I needed to help me make my final decision. I went with the 2015 HD 35. Maybe if I had tried a reimagined HD 35 I would have gone for that but I felt that trying the reimagined M36 and reimagined D35 at Westwood Music (wonderful people there) helped my decision for the 2015 HD35 at Sam Ash(thanks to Shaun for changing the strings). This was also a sentimental purchase. Losing the 1976 Bicentennial D35 when I was dirt poor probably factored in. Inside every 35 that year it says 50th Anniversary. One day I might drop by LA guitar again and order the Seth Avett D35, but for now, I think I'll get the Tonewood Amp, Dimarzio magnetic black angel pickup and start practicing the finger picking for Scarborough Fair.
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