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Old 04-19-2018, 09:52 AM
RockyRacc00n RockyRacc00n is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2017
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Default how did you get past beginner intermediate level?

Quick background. This month marks one year since getting back to guitar, in my mid forties. Even though I dabbled prior to that, you can pretty much say, I started playing a year ago as a newbie.

I’ve always enjoyed singing so my playing has all been just basic chords and rhythm. And now a days, you can learn all this off YouTube and basically copy. No need to develop ear or figure out a song on your own. It’s easier to just see what someone does and copy.

I can probably keep myself busy and still keep things fresh with all the songs I want to learn to sing/play. And I’ll probably be content with that... just building up a book of songs I can pull out anytime. After about a year of doing that, I have about 20 songs I can do proficiently. Hit some open mics and such.

But I feel that’s not really a guitar player. You’re just a jukebox that memorized a bunch of songs. So along the way, I’ve picked up some theory and continue to seek out knowledge and been dabbling in leads and fills and such to see what that might lead to.

I feel I am learning new technique and adding interest to my playing but I’m still copying stuff off of internet teachers. With some basic theory, and knowledge of more chord/scale shapes up the neck, I feel I understand where things are coming from, but if I had to create leads and fill on my own, I don’t know that I will ever be able to.

But maybe I am expecting too much only after a year. Interested in hearing your learning experience that got you past the beginner intermediate level.
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