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Old 02-20-2017, 10:21 PM
tjbwaves tjbwaves is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 5

That is terrible! Do not let anyone try and tell you who you are. If you are a musician, you are the only person you have to convince. I met a "professional" musician, guitarist. Top touring band. Been around awhile. Walked up to him, politely, as he was by himself outside a venue where another big act was playing. I walked up, smiled, and said, "Hi, Are you John Doe (obv not real name, leaving out his real name) and reached out my hand to shake his. He looked at me, looked at my hand, and WALKED THE FQ AWAY. Did not say a word. The people standing close enough to see and hear it all were horrified. They were also big fans and really could not believe what a punk move he pulled. I was a big fan for years and years, every record and all that. No mas. Can't do it. Love the songs, the songwriting, can not get over the attitude. Too many nice artists out there to waste time on people who are jerks to their fans. Incredible - wish him the best though! My life obviously rocks a lot more than his. Who knew!? ;-)

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