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Old 08-26-2013, 05:05 AM
Berny Berny is offline
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Originally Posted by Lazmo View Post
I’m not against song composers getting their dues.

But, it’s a real shame that one of the most prolific grass roots scenes of the current amateur music world (open mics) has to suffer a near terminal death because of a singular self-fulfilling corporate desire to muscle funds for the chosen music elite few, from small fry business owners trying to eek out a living.

If the pass through was equitable… in other words, the recovered funds actually went to the multifarious artists whose songs were actually “covered” at these open mics, then the whole thing would be tolerable, but since that is clearly not the case… it reeks of being a corporate lawyer based strong arm scam, that uses fear mongering and righteousness to force its will upon small business.

I think open mics are fantastic, and they definitely are one of the few things in the music scene that we should protect. Open mics present endless opportunities for performers at all levels to play to the public, enriching the performance experience of the player and the viewing/listening experience of the public, at the same time.

I’m not against the fee… assuming it does not provoke a yes/no decision to the business for the very survival of that particular open mic. For one year, I was the “house” drummer (and occasional guitar) at a very popular open mic… and the place was packed every Sunday and surely could afford a fee… but this is Australia, and we are not in your licensing boat, yet.

If we have to choose whether the elite few (and a bunch of corporate lawyers) get even richer and/or whether the amateur open mic scene survives… then hopefully it will be the latter… otherwise the WORLD will surely be a poorer place.
And the small businesses don't even get charged for actual services provided, just a simple, arbitrary seller mandate. Lets hope the thing never gets traction here in Oz!