Thread: Martin bashing
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Old 06-06-2010, 09:32 PM
ironman187 ironman187 is offline
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Originally Posted by Stockard View Post
I attended a gathering last week. I was asked to bring my instruments (I play harmonica and guitar).To add to the spirit of the occasion, I wore a Martin logo tee. One of the folks there decided to start telling me how he didn't like Martins. Another guy joined him and they were having a big time talking ugly about Martins. I did not say anythimg. At this point,my guitar (a '72 D 35 12 s) was still in the car.
I wish I had left then,but I had promised our host that I would come and play. The pair of "bashers" were not real accomplished pickers, and had trouble staying in tune. I still didn't say anything. Some of the peoople there were real complementary of my axe, which brought on another round of bashing. I have traded comments with other pickers in the spirit of playing with others. This was over the top. After about on hour,I packed up and headed for the car. Our host thanked us (my wife plays mandolin) for coming,and said he hoped "those guys" didn't bother me. I said that "as a matter of fact,they did bother me" and left.
This was a first for me.In the past I may have reacted a bit more. When I cannot wear a tee shirt,let alone pull out a fine instrument,I think I need new folks to hang with. Just sayin'
Wow, pathetic, I mean, sure, they are entitled to their opinions, but what they did was over the top! Just say you don't like Martins and move on with life. I mean the fact that you didn't even comment or argue on Martin's behalf, and these guys still did that, tells me they were a few bulbs short of a working string of Christmas lights.

I like Gibson as well, but lately, they have betrayed their roots. One can only hope they survive and return to making consistently great guitars. I know Martin did in the 70s.
Instruments I own.
2004 Martin DC16 GTE Custom (1 & 13/16" nut) w/ Fishman Prefix Stereo Onboard Blender
1999 BC Rich Warlock N.J. Series (import)
2009 Lanikai LU21
Dunlop shaker egg
Alesis DM10 Pro

Last edited by rlouie; 06-07-2010 at 07:15 AM.
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