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Old 10-05-2008, 11:45 AM
random works random works is offline
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Default Who helped you get BACK into guitar?

About 8 years ago, I got rid of everything guitar and stopped playing for a year or so. When someone asks how long I've played, I don't subtract that year because it was so unusual. My wife said little to me about this ( wise woman) but came home one day with a very low end student guitar ( classical), you know the kind, had to tune one string with pliers until I got a set of tuners to put on it...I think she got it at the ocal Goodwill store. I played it off and on, then, wham, I really started playing that little student 3/4 size guitar. Several months later, unannounced, she presented me with a black Johnson dread. Well, it sounded like heaven compared to the 3/4 student guitar.
I got back in the groove and stayed there. I just wondered if anyone else totally quit and had someone else help?
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