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Old 11-06-2002, 07:52 AM
bagelsgirl bagelsgirl is offline
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My 13 year old son wants a strat for Christmas. I already have a mexi strat and he plays it all the time, but he wants his own (and he wants a black one.)

He doesn't care if it says "Strat" or if it is a strat copy. (You know how kids are.) I thought squire strats were crap, but i was surprised to learn recently that a guitarist I admire uses one in his act from time to time. I really don't even have $350 to spend on a mexi right now, and I admit I don't know jack about electrics. He is a beginner but pretty good, I don't want to buy garbage, he may play it for quite a while. Someone told me the "johnson" strat copies were decent guitars for the money. Better than squires, as good as mexis and much cheaper. Any feedback on that?
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