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phavriluk 05-28-2022 09:15 AM

I see so many requests for 'the best' of stuff. How on earth can anyone state that 'xxxx' is 'the best'? A reply might offer something the respondent thinks is the best they've seen, but I think that is the extent of realistic judgement.

Rave over.

Bridgepin 05-28-2022 09:24 AM

As the late great Ed McMahon would say " You would be correct Sir "

phavriluk, Nice to see a fellow CT person I used to live in Weston CT. Now I'm out here in Northern CA.

ol4t 05-28-2022 06:00 PM

Best post ever

OldFrets 05-28-2022 06:15 PM

I see those questions on a lot of music-related forums. Sometimes it's just beginners looking for a place to start, albeit with poorly worded questions. Some other folks get huffy when people reply that there is no "best", and I think those folks are just looking for an easy answer that doesn't require them to think.

tbeltrans 05-28-2022 06:17 PM

A fair amount of discussion that happens in these forums is just a bunch of people with similar interests in common, passing time. Things that would just be passing comments of little consequence in face to face conversation, have a permanence in posts in a forum, which puts much more emphasis on it than would a passing comment in person.

I have gotten myself into trouble by forgetting this when I make such a comment in a post. Some conversation just doesn't work here, when it would be just fine in person.


RussellHawaii 05-28-2022 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by phavriluk (Post 7010465)
I see so many requests for 'the best' of stuff. How on earth can anyone state that 'xxxx' is 'the best'? A reply might offer something the respondent thinks is the best they've seen, but I think that is the extent of realistic judgement.

Rave over.

That rave was way too short! :)

J Patrick 05-28-2022 06:26 PM

…I think it’s likely that folks are just canvassing the members of a knowledgeable forum in order to find out what the enlightened ones think is the “best”…..if a number of the people who respond point to a specific brand make or model as their idea of the best then it gives the person that posted the query an idea of what to be looking at….it’s not as foolish a question as it appears to be….besides….everyone eventually realizes the best is the one they don’t have….

Rudy4 05-28-2022 06:33 PM

If someone asks that question then they deserve the answers they get. Seems pretty simple to me. :)

Arapaho G 05-28-2022 06:36 PM

Aren't we just talking here?

Rudy4 05-28-2022 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Arapaho G (Post 7010872)
Aren't we just talking here?

Yes. I haven't sensed anyone going beyond the socially acceptable norm.

colins 05-29-2022 01:17 AM

It used to get to me too until I realised it was just a different choice of words to what I would use to seek the opinions of others on the forum. Let’s keep the “best” threads and accept the way some people use the word.

But if you want to rant about the incorrect use of apostrophes ( e.g. "Martin's" refers to something belonging to Martin, not multiple Martin guitars), I am with you all the way. Just as we like different guitars, our pedantry also takes different forms :).

s2y 05-29-2022 01:53 AM

I guess I haven't tried out every guitar on the planet and haven't had the ability to time travel (yet?).

lowrider 05-29-2022 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by phavriluk (Post 7010465)
I see so many requests for 'the best' of stuff. How on earth can anyone state that 'xxxx' is 'the best'? A reply might offer something the respondent thinks is the best they've seen, but I think that is the extent of realistic judgement.

Rave over.

Everyone knows that XXXX is not the best. 0000 is the best!

Mbroady 05-29-2022 05:16 AM

I think that chapter 1 paragraph one is a tangentially appropriate quote for this discussion:)

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."

kizz 05-29-2022 05:24 AM

Something is best until something else is better...

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