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drplayer 08-03-2014 04:44 AM

Players/Bands that just aren't my cup of tea...
I should like them, as they are guitar/music icons. I've spent hours listening to them...tryng to see what others see, and trying to like them; but, they just don't "do it" for me...something is simply missing in their music for me. I've listed some below and my no particular order:

1. Beatles - I know, it's almost blasphemy; but other than a handful of songs, I find them boring and too "pop-y" & produced. They are an example of being at the right place at the right time. American teens were hungry for something fresh and the British Invasion brought that--the Beatles in particular. I've heard another artist slammed recently for being an opportunist and making songs that appeal to young girls; but, didn't the Beatles epitomize that? I mean C'mon, "I Want to Hold Your Hand", "She Loves You", "Can't Buy Me Love". They have a few songs I love (i.e. "Long & Winding Road", "Let It Be", "Yesterday"), but all-in-all, not a fan.

2. Tommy Emmanuel - Extraordinary talent and an amazing acrobat, but to me, his music lacks soul, heart, and emotion. He draws me to see what he's doing, rather than to feel what he is feeling. Kind of like a circus...there are many Oooh and Aaaah moments, but nothing that leaves me inspired.

3. Jeff Beck - Again, an obvious talent...I just don't "get" his music. Something about it seems off to me. Nothing about his playing makes me want to listen to more.

4. Joni Mitchell - Another obvious talent, but her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I have a hard time getting through an entire song without having to turn her off. Odd really, because I am generally drawn to singer-songwriter types, but her voice...ugh!

5. Dave Matthews - I like the idea of Dave, and his band is fantastic. I've actually seen him in concert and enjoyed the show; but generally, I can't gel entirely with his music. Love the strong rhythms, etc., but in large his phrasing, lack of basic structure, and often his voice, keeps me at a distance from him. He brings a lot of energy, and I can see why he's so popular--especially live--but he's not on my frequent play list.

6. Queen - Aside from some great guitar work by Brian May, much too dramatic and staged for me. If I wanted opera or Broadway, I'd go see an opera or a play. I saw them in concert too, and couldn't wait for the show to be over...just not rock-n-roll to me.

7. Paul Simon - Bridge Over Troubled Water may be one of the best songs ever written, but after that, nope. Just never knew where he was going with his music, and always got the feeling he didn't either...just too scattered and eclectic for my tastes. In theory, I can appreciate his diversity, just not in practice.

So, this is my list (at least the big-hitters) and my opinion only. No need to defend the artists I've listed, as this is not an attack on them...I appreciate & respect the talents of them all. But as I've said, they just don't "do it" for me. I would imagine we all have such lists...interested to see yours.

T1mothy 08-03-2014 04:56 AM

So whose music contains the right amount of soul in your eyes?

Drubbing 08-03-2014 05:01 AM

I coulda written most of that list - in the sme order. But Queen gets a reprieve from me. I'd love to love what TE does, as a fellow Aussie. You won't find a more genuine and lovely down to earth bloke. But his stuff is just too much music for me.

You don't have to like anything you don't like. No matter how "good" they're supposed to be. Beck, Vai and Satriana bore me to tears, but someone obviously cares for that sort of thing.

Guest4562 08-03-2014 05:10 AM

There are plenty of "sacred cow" bands/performers that just don't do it for me, but enumerating them just leads to arguments nobody wins.

Von Beerhofen 08-03-2014 05:24 AM

Wow, that's quite a list there. My own view on any musician has always been, what can I learn from him/her. Ofcourse if I found their music lacked soul or any other expression I'd try to add it myself, which usually meant not being very precise in my playing. I've never paid much attention to it though, I gave it all I had at that time and later learned how to do it even better, possibly with less soul.
At any given moment a group or musician started boring me, I mentally thanked em for what they'd given me and moved on to something more interesting, knowing that there's not much use in listening to stuff that bores you to death and there's always something new you can learn.
Hence I never got stuck on one type of music and only got better by focussing on the stuff that really interested me.
I can only admit that at the time I needed those people who now may bore me, I just couldn't have come this far without them, soul or no soul, but music is dynamic and so are good guitar players, you just move on. No rule in music says you have to like what others like.


GibbyPrague 08-03-2014 05:25 AM

Yeah, Id pretty much agree with you on all counts.

lt20dbl 08-03-2014 05:30 AM

this thread is not my cup of tea. Maybe if you devoted a little time to telling us, who you do like and why, we would have more inspiration for discussion?

kcnbys 08-03-2014 05:32 AM

No major argument from me, but I was a big Queen fan growing up.

Gorquin 08-03-2014 05:37 AM

No problem. I like Jazz and my wife hates it. She likes old disco and I hate it. We do however have groups we both like and others we don't.

She loves Bon Jovi. I don't dislike them but I find them blah except for a few songs. I also never understood the big deal about Nirvana. They had what two hits and they're in the R&R Hall of Fame?

To each his/her own.

A lot of people say Hendrix was the best guitarist ever. To me there is NO best only different likes and dislikes for people. Hendrix said that the guitarist from Chicago was better than him. Could Hendrix play Segovia or visa versa?

No one has to like what I like or visa versa and there is no wrong answer when it comes to music.

BTW, I like 5 or your 7. LOL

pieterh 08-03-2014 05:41 AM

Players/Bands that just aren't my cup of tea...
Many of the people on the lists I do like. The Beatles have always been and will always be one of my favourite bands. Of course in the modern age they may not stand up quite so well compared to other more arguably accomplished acts, but even taken out of their context (breaking new ground in the 60s) much of their music still sounds fresh and exciting - Sgt Pepper and Abbey Road are probably my favourites. Even the white album has real gems though I agree with George Martin, there's a lot of filler there and it would have made a fantastic single album.

Queen too, aside from the awesome-ness that is Brian May's guitar style the rock-opera anthemic sound is so distinctive and there are plenty of good tunes too!

The one artist I've really tried to like through the years but can't get on with is Bob Dylan. I know he has been a huge presence in the rock and folk worlds, and yes he's a great songwriter and the words are powerful, but the delivery just leaves me cold, if not irritated! Those songs I do like I've always come to through interpretations by other artists - I'm not a huge fan of Adele but had to learn her version of Make You Feel My Love for a wedding. I had no idea it was a Dylan song, and hated the Dylan version when I heard it. Forever Young is another - I really like the Pretenders' version, I can live without Dylan's own.

drplayer 08-03-2014 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by T1mothy (Post 4067772)
So whose music contains the right amount of soul in your eyes?

I'm a big Clapton fan, but he's not the first I think of when I think of soul/emotion being in their music. Artists like Stevie Ray Vaughan, Neil Young, Buddy Guy, Howlin' Wolf, Bruce Springsteen, Duane Allman, Joe Cocker, Johnny Winter, Kelly Joe Phelps, and Rory Gallagher are better examples (to me) of those who's music is driven primarily by soul & emotion...

drplayer 08-03-2014 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by lt20dbl (Post 4067787)
this thread is not my cup of tea. Maybe if you devoted a little time to telling us, who you do like and why, we would have more inspiration for discussion?

Inspiration comes in different flavors. If the flavor of this thread is not to your liking, it is certainly your prerogative to pass and move on...

gibbyguy 08-03-2014 05:56 AM

I like many of the performers you listed. Beatles, TE, Joni, Dave, Paul. Frankly I don't get much inspiration from a list of people that don't inspire me. But I'd have to say that many you listed have served as an inspiration to me among many others through the years. They all are/were entertainers and connected with their audiences. Have you tried to learn Angelina, or Amy, or Halfway Home by Tommy? The learning process of Tommy's songs have been revolutionary in my guitar learning. Rant done.

picassov7 08-03-2014 05:59 AM

Personally, I like Joni and Dave but everyone is different. If we all liked the same stuff then it would be a pretty boring world, so I am A-ok with differing opinions. I've seen Dave on many occasions and they do a great live show, full of emotion;)

Another poster noted Dylan. Personally, I have always been drawn to folks that have a unique, unpolished sound to them. Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Kristian Matsson, etc.

I have always tried to like Justin Bieber and Taylor, wait a second, I haven't:lol:

The Bard Rocks 08-03-2014 06:10 AM

who you like
Interesting to me is that, other than TE and Bob Dylan, I don't really know any (not one) of these other folks/bands. Though their names are all familiar, with a few notable exceptions, I would not be able to identify a single song they performed or even recognize their voices. Nor would a number of my friends. That's me you see, that tiny figure standing out in far right field (or is it left?).

I've not listened to pop and rock for many decades and am not any more interested in it than most of you would be in my music. Yet we find common ground in what makes it - guitars.

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