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rdamato 11-23-2020 03:53 PM

My Name is Ron and I like Dreadnaughts!!!
Yes, I have finally faced it: I like the BOOM only a dread can provide.
How you may ask did I come to this epiphany? Years of playing smaller body guitars and never feeling satisfied. I picked up an inexpensive, pre-owned Eastman E10-SS and there it was, the tone I have been missing! Perhaps the shorter scale my contribute to the added ooooomph, but I honestly smile when I play it.

I also can't believe how much more comfortable (to me) a SS is compared to a standard Dread.

That is All.


TiffanyGuitar 11-23-2020 04:04 PM

Hello Ron.

I like dreadnaughts...and 000s....and telecasters....and 335s....and....

I think I need help.

rokdog49 11-23-2020 04:08 PM

Silly Moustache will be on shortly to inform you that what you have is not a Dread :D

Just a heads up and all in good fun.
Anyway, it’s a great guitar, whatever you wish to classify it as.

Dru Edwards 11-23-2020 04:10 PM

Ron, Welcome to the "Although you like Dreads there are other shapes too" support group. I too enjoy the thump of a dread but my shoulder doesn't always like it.

sevenpalms 11-23-2020 04:14 PM

That took guts Ron...But, I'm with you.....I've played smaller guitars for years and they just had something missing...and that something is bottom end! And yes, I play fingerstyle, with a strap, with light guage strings. My dreads sound great!

J Patrick 11-23-2020 04:26 PM

What’s not to like??....the audible results speak for my book the king and queen of guitars....

Methos1979 11-23-2020 04:29 PM

Pretty much the same journey here. Was convinced early on that I 'couldn't play a dread due to the size' so owned 12 fret 00 guitars. Wasn't happy with the tone so went up to 000 14 fretters. Better. Then played a 12 fret dread. WOW. There is the tone I'd been looking for! Oh, and since I always play standing up anyway, I can very easily play a dread.

Silly Moustache 11-23-2020 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by rokdog49 (Post 6557885)
Silly Moustache will be on shortly to inform you that what you have is not a Dread :D

Just a heads up and all in good fun.
Anyway, it’s a great guitar, whatever you wish to classify it as.

He's right of course. Your Eastman is an excellent replica of a Gibson jumbo.

Rev Roy 11-23-2020 04:47 PM

Yep, I get it. I’m back to all-in dread (see sig) now myself after cycling my way through some sweet smaller guitars. What I learned along the way was that I too prefer that full dread sound and least partly because I have too heavy a hand for delicate guitars.

But I also learned how rich and complex those little ones can be in the right hands. So they aren’t better or worse than dreads, just different. Being disappointed that an OM doesn’t sound like a dread is akin to being upset because your dog doesn’t act like a cat. Just buy whatever suits you...and enjoy it.

Cromwell 11-23-2020 05:01 PM

I'm with you Ron, I to have an Eastman e10ss, I tried many guitars, including the Gibson j45s, but it was the Eastman that spoke to me, by god the boom that comes out of that thing, I can only imagine how much better it will get to when the ADI top opens up.

I own other shaped guitars, but I'm a dread guy at heart. ( Yes even if it's technically a slope shoulder dread haha).

Brucebubs 11-23-2020 05:43 PM

I'm not a small body guitar person myself - but I do enjoy listening to them being played well by others .. like Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull.
I'm thankful I don't have any physical restrictions, apart from a lack of genuine talent and skill, preventing me playing jumbo guitars.

TBman 11-23-2020 09:56 PM

I have a couple of small bodies, but I'm not a fan. Sometimes my Seagull sounds ok with certain strings, but usually not. My Alvarez 00 just doesn't float my boat anymore.

brencat 11-23-2020 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by rdamato (Post 6557875)
Yes, I have finally faced it: I like the BOOM only a dread can provide.
How you may ask did I come to this epiphany? Years of playing smaller body guitars and never feeling satisfied. I picked up an inexpensive, pre-owned Eastman E10-SS and there it was, the tone I have been missing! Perhaps the shorter scale my contribute to the added ooooomph, but I honestly smile when I play it.

I also can't believe how much more comfortable (to me) a SS is compared to a standard Dread.

That is All.


I totally get it and am largely with you. I have 3 dreads. But I picked up 2 well played OMs from Merrill and Collings recently that I'm really enjoying. Over the last 5 years, I've been through more than I can count, including a Bourgeois JOMT which was an upsized OM. These latest two I'm hoping will stick around for a while. Sometimes it is not so much the boom, but a strong lower mid presence that matters. Enjoy your Eastman!

Listen to this recording of a 12 fret Bourgeois 00, played by one of the best guitarists of the current era:

soma5 11-24-2020 05:51 AM

There are sounds that only a large guitar can make. I play mostly smaller guitars and I have some amazing ones, but when I pick up a dread, I always get that satisfied smile. It's some combination of thump, resonance, depth, the feeling that the notes come from further away...

dnf777 11-24-2020 06:22 AM

:DUnderstand completely. Just got an Eastman PCH-3-D, which I believe is a dred?:D

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